Monday, October 18, 2010

Boys will be BOYS

I cannot believe that I didn't post about this earlier because I think of it and tell the story often and it makes me laugh every time. So, Marshall's dad was in town in August and they were going to do a few projects and decided that a little hand saw was just NOT going to cut it (no pun intended). So, they headed off to the ol' Home Depot in search for a saw. After going to the store, Marshall's dad just dropped Marshall off at our house with his new tow because he was meeting up with Marshall's brother. Soon after I hear his dad leave Marshall comes in and without hesitation and with much excitement he says to me "wanna come see my new saw"? Um... I said... well, gosh, not really. And the look on his face was priceless, like I just told him Santa was not real. And with a shiny, glazed over set of eye balls he looks up at me, so hurt and sad and says with a very pitiful voice "but it has a laser". I immediately started laughing because it took me back to the days when I was 6 and was not interested in my brothers air machine gun and it just crushed him. So, needless to say, I went into the garage and saw the saw with the laser. And I was lucky enough to even get a demonstration. God bless little boys.

1 comment:

The Hendricks said...

SO! i have tried to read your latest post about "your lifestyle" but it wont let me look at it???