Monday, November 22, 2010

Chiropractor part II

So I went back to the Chiropractor today for the rest of my adjustment and to go over my x-rays. So what did we find out? My hips are twisted, not only a little but a lot and this is a major part of why my back constantly hurts and I also have minor minor Spina bifida, meaning my backbone and spinal canal did not close before birth. It is only present on my bottom vertebrae and cannot be fixed but it is only a small part of the problem. It was very interesting to get a lesson on the back bone via my x-rays. Unfortunately, in order for the doc to fix what he can of the problem it will cost around $1000. I am going to try to stretch more and do Pilates or Yoga religiously and see if I can begin correcting the problem naturally, my own way before going and getting yanked, cracked and twisted around. Here goes nothin'.

1 comment:

Gillman said...

So...hows your back feeling now? And how are the yoga/pilates going as well? Oh! and how did your big ol' thanksgiving go?