Monday, September 28, 2009

Just want to share

It is easy to forget how much someone means to you or helps you when they make you upset so I think the reason I am posting about this is so that I can refer back to it when I get frustrated with Marshall...

This weekend...
On Friday night I found some nightstands that I wanted and have been looking for for about 2 months. Marshall and I went and picked them up late with no time to do anything to them. I got the project of refinishing them going Saturday afternoon when I decided to take a break from studying. Marshall got home around 4 from Lacrosse practice and he immediately started helping me with the task that I took on. After about an hour he took it upon himself to go and get us some dinner and he only had one drink cup in his car so he brought me a diet coke and got nothing for himself to drink. We were up until 2 doing these blasted things and we still were not finished.

Sunday morning when I got up I found him on the deck finishing painting the last coat on the nightstand. It needed one more coat of black, varnish, holes drilled and the hardwear put on. When he was finished he came in and started helping me clean. When i got done with the back side of the house he had the kitchen and living room done and all the furniture moved so I could vacuum.

Immediately after finishing cleaning I had to go to a study group. I got home around 5 to find the nightstand complete and put where it goes, all of the laundry done (at least 4 loads), including folded and put away, he had ironed the work close from the laundry, including mine and he had dinner almost ready. My favorite part is that I didn't ask him to do these things, he just does it and doesn't say anything to get recognition.

Even writing this post makes me teary. There is no possible way that I could get everything done around the house and still have time to study for my classes and I don't know what I would do without him. Not only does he keep my spirits up but he makes me laugh all the time, he makes light of a crappy situations, always encourages and pushes me and he helps me see the light at the end of the tunnel. My classes this semester are by far the hardest classes I have ever taken and they require extreme amounts of time. Not only that but I am right in the heart of wedding plans on top of everything else.

Marshall, you are my superhero, my sanity, my entertainment and my best friend! I love you so much!! In case I forget to tell you sometimes, thank you for all you do for me. I promise it does not go unrecognized and one day I hope that I can be as good of a companion to you as you are to me.


Gillman said...

Wow! What a man you've got there Jenn. Seriously. It's good you recognize all he does. Keep up the good work Marshall! If wifey isn't happy-nobody is happy! Am I right?

MOM/KAY said...

you guys did a terrific job.