Monday, June 7, 2010

Have to share...

Funny story... So, Chris, Ashley, Marshall and myself were at Iggy's last weekend and when the waiter approached our table I asked him what the difference in the regular salad was compared to the half salad. He sat there and thought about it for a minute or two and then, as serious as could be he said, and I quote "Um... I would say it's about half the size". The four of us just look at one another dumb founded then Ashley says "ha ha, half the size" and the waiter still didn't get it! Seriously, how does that help me out at all! I was so flabbergasted that I just said I would take the regular and we could not let it go the entire meal. In fact, Chris couldn't let it go the entire weekend. Everyone we talked to he told the story to and I would say that was at least 6! Ha ha... some people. But hey this is good news to anyone that is planning to use drugs and fry every last brain cell out of their head because you always know that you can still get a job at Iggy's!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

This story reminds me of when my family and I visited the Provo Cemetery over Memorial weekend. We stopped at Provo Bakery and I wanted to know what they were known for; their "signature pastry," if you will. The gal looked at me completely confused and said, "the bran muffins are good!"

My brother and I were giggling. Really! Apparently bran muffins put Provo Bakery on the map.

Another girl came over to clarify that their orange rolls are their most popular.

Much better.